What is web development? How can I prepare for a professional web developer?

Web development means making or creating, building and maintaining websites. It makes a website dynamic, looks good, work fast and has great performance. The web development includes some destinations, such as web design with HTML and CSS, web publishing by Server, web programming with JavaScript and database administration.
Basically, a web designer can only design a website using HTML and CSS. Then, a web developer develops a website with the designed code that is designed by a designer. A web developer develops the website using JavaScript languages ​​such as PHP and ASP. In addition, a web developer can help maintain and update a database used by a dynamic website.
Web development can be divided into two broad categories. These are...

Front-End Development (also called client-side development):

Frontal development involves creating what a user shows when loading a web application (the content, the design and how it interacts with it). It is done with three codes. These are HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is a special code for creating or creating web pages. Each web page must be written with HTML. Cascading style sheets (CSS) is a code to configure the style of web pages. CSS is responsible for the decoration of the website. And, finally, JavaScript is a scripting language that is widely used to add functionality and interactivity to web pages.

Back-end development (also called server-side development):

Back-End Development controls what happens behind the scenes of a web application. A back-end development often uses a database to generate the front-end development.
In recent years, content management systems have become more popular for web development, such as WordPress, Drupal and Joomla. These system tools facilitate the web development process. Anyone can create and edit their own website through a web-based interface.

Become a professional web designer and developer:

If you want to be a professional web designer, I advised you to learn more about web design and development. Here you can find "Basic to complete the web design and the development of video tutorials" with the source code, the files and the required software.


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