Off the page SEO optimization techniques to position yourself higher in Google [2018]

Source: BrainSTudioz

What is Off Page SEO?

Off-Page SEO [off-site SEO] is a technique that can be used to increase the position of a website on the search engine results page (SERPs).
Why is Off-Page SEO important?
Search engines try for decades to rerun the best result for the search engine. To achieve this, they take into account both the SEO factors on the page and the off-page ones.
Google takes more than 200 factors to classify a website. Search engine optimization on the site has an advantage over off-site search engine optimization because its content is a king.
Suppose that two content writers produce the same content quality as the way Google and other search engines classify them. Now the Off Off SEO page is taken into account to verify how many external links point to your website. The site with the most links appears first in [SERPs]
The 10 best SEO optimization techniques off the page

1. Create Shareable Content

Put all your efforts to produce the best content for both the reader and the search engine. If people like your content, they will share it. You should visit your competitor's website and read the comments if people ask any questions. Write them down and write a new publication and answer the question you write down. To do this, you must know how to write an easy-to-use publication.

2. Share social networks

This allows you to expand your online network. Now, social networks have become the powerful communication tool. It allows you to connect and interact with your family and friends and share things with each other. You can promote your website / blog. It will help you grow your business.
You must register on the most popular social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ and create your profile and then build a strong community

3. Guest guest

It is an effective link building technique used by many in the search engine optimization industry. The publication of guests mainly refers to the writing of articles that are relevant to your business, and the services in another site to retrieve the information from that site.

4. Link Building

Link building is the most popular SEO Off Page technique. It is a popular way to promote your site. Basically it is the construction of external links to your website. You can ignore your competitors and rank higher by building links.
If you create a unique publication for your site, other people may want to link it to your website. If someone refers to your site from your website. It will generate signals to the search engine that this website has quality content.

5. Sending items

Sending articles may be one of the most successful off-page SEO optimization techniques to position you better in Google in 2018. Sending articles is mainly about writing articles that are relevant to your business and services and then add to the popular article submission directories. Shipments of articles can improve the ranking of your site in SEPR by increasing the number of back links and public relations.

6. Web 2.0 Presentations

Sending to Web 2.0 is another of the best SEO techniques on the page outside where you send your website to different social networking sites with quality content. This will drive instant traffic to your site.

7. Directory presentations

Directories are like websites that are used to store businesses throughout your information. In search engine optimization, sending the directory is the process of sending your site from the different business directories to get the links back. It is the action of off-page SEO optimization to get popularity is the search engine.

8. Submissions of videos

The videos are very useful to briefly describe your content. The videos also help to promote your business product. Before optimizing your videos, you must send your video to the different video submission sites. Some popular sites are YouTube Daily Motion. Here are the main video submission websites for your videos in 2018!

9. The presentations of the search engine

Each search engine takes a while to classify its content, but you can send your site to Google, Bing and Yahoo to quickly rank in [SERPs].

10. Submissions of forms

Forum Submission is an off-page SEO optimization technique that increases traffic and increases the back links of the website. Basically it is an online discussion platform where you can communicate with others in the same camp.


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